31 Days of Organizing & Decluttering

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7 tips before you get started on the 31 day challenge!

  1. The task of the day may not always pertain to you. For example, one day the task is decluttering & organizing toys. If you don’t have toys, pick another area of your house that needs tidying!

  2. Don’t compare your progress or before and after picture to someone else! This is for you! Celebrate your progress - don’t let comparison steal your joy! 

  3. Some of the tasks may take you 15 minutes and some may take a few hours. Make sure you have time to complete the task before starting it. If you have a lot of decluttering to do it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Just take it one day at a time! 

  4. One of my favorite ways to manage my time when I’m doing tasks like these is to set a timer. Seem silly to you? Maybe...but it works for me! I have friends who say they start cleaning out a closet and take something to another room to put it where it belongs and then they are distracted and completely forget about the project they started in the closet! The timer would help! And plus, it’s kind of like a game to me! I want to see if I can mop all of the floors, unpack, clean out the fridge, or whatever the task is before the timer goes off! (Most of the time I win. ) You know how much time you have…I don’t! So you choose the length of the timer. 15 minutes? 45? An hour? You choose! 

  5. If you find something that belongs somewhere else when you are decluttering put it where it belongs then! Don’t wait! 

  6. I know this may not be possible for everyone - but encourage the people who you live with to join in the process! They add to the clutter so they’re responsible for the decluttering process just like you are! Plus, like anything else, when we take ownership in something we are more invested in it and in this case (hopefully) more willing to help maintain the decluttered lifestyle! 

  7. Here’s the thing about organization: it looks completely different for each of us! What works for you may not work for your neighbor and what works in my house may not work in yours. So keep in mind these are just suggestions! If you get stuck or overwhelmed just send me a message- I’d be happy to talk you through it.

If you follow along all month you WILL notice a difference in the spaces you live your life! I think tidy, decluttered spaces help reduce unnecessary anxiety. If you open your pantry and it doesn’t make your heart rate go up or you aren’t afraid for a guest to see your linen closet, those are wins in my book!


Day 1 - Refrigerator