Day 14 - Kitchen Utensils

I am not suggesting you tackle the entire kitchen today, just the utensils! If you want to include small appliances in your decluttering today, go for it! Most people have several unused kitchen gadgets and utensils. Because of that, most people have drawers and cabinets in their kitchen that won’t close all the way. 

  1. Clear off an area on your kitchen table or counter for sorting.

  2. Gather all of your kitchen utensils.

    • Check cabinets & drawers that may be housing misplaced utensils.

    • Take a before picture here!

  3. Trash what is broken.

  4. Sort.

    • Go through each item and ask yourself these questions

      • Do you still use it?

        • Have you used it in the last 6-8 months? If not, unless it’s a specialty item, you probably don’t need to keep it.

      • Do you have too many duplicates?

        • How many whisks and wooden spoons do you REALLY need?  Be honest with yourself here, don’t keep things that are just taking up space.

      • Do you have room for it?

        • If it takes up too much of your space - get rid of it! 

    • Think about how often you host people in your home & how often you cook for your family. Knowing the frequency of both will help you determine what to keep!

    • Sort what is left into two categories:  Keep / Donate

      1. When in doubt get it out!

  5. Relocate.

    • Did you find items in your utensil storage areas that don’t belong there? Put them away now.

  6. Group like things.

    • Store similar utensils together. 

    • If you have several small items store them in a basket or bag to keep the loose pieces together. 

  7. Clean.

    • Wipe the utensils off & clean out the drawers and cabinets before you put anything back!

  8. Put everything back neatly.

    • Keep the items you use most often in the spaces easiest to access. 

  9. Make a plan to donate what you’ve got in the donate pile this week.

  10. Take an after picture!

How did you choose to organize your utensils?

How many items did you get rid of today?

Share a picture in the comments on Facebook & Instagram.




Day 13 - Toys