Day 28 - Social Media

If you regularly use social media you need to be in control of what you’re allowing yourself to view or get sucked into each day. There are plenty of good, positive, helpful things on social media. Be on the lookout for those! We also need to be on the lookout for the parts of social media that fill our minds with negativity. Identify those accounts & take action. An excess of negativity on social media can clutter your mind and heart just like an excess of chip bags can clutter your pantry! 

  1. Purge

    • If you have social media accounts that you don’t use anymore, delete the accounts & apps.

      • No need hanging on to them if they aren’t relevant to you anymore.

    • You can be friends with someone in real life and not follow them on social media. 

    • Are you following people or accounts that:

      1. breed negative thoughts?

      2. fill your mind with unwholesome things?

      3. drain you?

      4. make you compare yourself to someone else in an unhealthy way?

      5. you would be ashamed for someone else in your life to know you were following?

      6. get on your nerves?

      7. make you discontent?


  2. Set limits

    • If you need to set daily time limits on your social media intake, do it!

    • If the constant notifications continue to draw you in, turn them off.

  3. Maintain

    • When accounts come across your newsfeed that you need to unfollow, do it then.

    • Evaluate your heart and thoughts regularly.

      • If social media is having a negative impact on you, revisit the purging steps above!

I certainly hope you don’t feel the need to unfollow Shepard Organizing Solutions 😉 but if you do- no questions asked. Do what you need to do today!

You should be in control of what you see and engage in on social media. Don’t let it control you.


Day 29 - Wrapping Paper & Gift Bags


Day 27 - Junk Drawer