Day 8 - Toiletries

Declutter your toiletries, haircare products, travel items, make-up, and skincare products today! 

Be honest! We probably all have a cabinet, drawer, or travel bag with some toiletries that could use a clean out.

  1. Gather toiletries from around your house.

  2. Lay out a towel (or two 😉) and set everything out. 

    • Take a picture now if you want one.

    • It is really important to have it all out so you can see everything you have at once. 

  3. Get a trash bag ready.

  4. Sort like with like.

    • Do some sorting within each pile. 

      • Size, scent, reason for use, etc.



    • Get rid of things you have had for years and not ever used.

    • Be honest with yourself in the decluttering process. 

    • Make-up samples in a shade you’ll never wear? Don’t keep it.

    • Nail polish in a color that you’ll never wear? Don’t keep it. 

    • Lotion or soap that doesn’t smell good? Don’t keep it.

    • Check expiration dates.

      • Sometimes there is a sticker that will show the expiration date or you can google it.

      • When it doubt…throw it out.

      • Generally mascara & liquid eyeliner are good to use for about 3 months. Bacteria starts to grow in them eventually. EW.

      • Don’t keep make-up that is smelly, discolored, or an odd consistency. 

    • Do you have something new or gently used that doesn’t work for you anymore? Ask your friends if they want that shade or scent. Make-up, skincare, and haircare products aren’t cheap - you could make their day! Or you could donate to an organization that accepts those products. Some places will only accept items that are still sealed. 

    • While you’re at it - this is a good time to get rid of hair brushes, blow dryers, curling irons, and other hair tools that are broken or unused too!

  7. Clean it up.

    1. Wipe off everything you plan to keep. (Take an after picture here!)

    2. Clean makeup brushes & sponges. 

      1. I just use face wash & warm water.

    3. Toss your toiletry and make-up bags in the washer (as long as the tag says you can!)

    4. Wipe out the cabinets, drawers, or shelves before you put anything back.

  8. Make a list of the items you need to restock.

  9. Put it away neatly. 

    • The less you keep on your counter the easier it is to keep your bathroom clean.

  10. If you have items to donate - make a plan to do it this week!

    • Don’t let it stay in your home!

This area can easily get out of hand for a lot of people. Do you want to maintain what you just did?

  • Don’t take free samples unless you KNOW you are going to use them.

  • Use what you have before you buy something new. 

    • This is a simple rule that keeps you from getting right back where you started! 

  • After you have restocked the necessities - challenge yourself not to purchase any toiletries for ___ months. You choose the amount of time based on what you keep during the decluttering process today.

I’m so glad you are participating! I have heard from many of you who are already noticing a difference in your space after just a few days of decluttering! Keep it up!

If you miss a day, don’t quit. Jump back in when you can.

Message me if you need help.

That’s what I’m here for!


Day 9 - Paper


Day 7 - Shoes