Tip Tuesday - Organizing & Productivity Q+A

This week we asked followers to submit any organizing and productivity questions they wanted us to address. So many great questions were submitted and we took the time today to answer them all during our live broadcast. You can watch the latest Tip Tuesday episode right here - https://www.southerninspirations.net/home-base

You can read the questions submitted below!

Thank you for following along on my Tip Tuesday blog this year!

As always, reach out to me if I can help you with any organizing, event, or productivity needs!

Organizing my kitchen is always a struggle. Help!!

      • Take it slow! Start with one cabinet, one drawer, etc. I will ALWAYS recommend a declutter & purge first. We all hold onto things we don’t need. I find it somewhat pointless to go through the process of organizing spaces that contain items that need to be gotten rid of. It won’t be maintainable if you don’t declutter first! Pick a cabinet and start! Take everything out of that one cabinet or drawer and make a few piles :keep, trash, donate, sell, relocate. You can read other blogs I’ve written about kitchen organization for additional ideas.

Best way to store pantry items so that I know what I’ve got without having to touch every.single.can/jar to find something!

      • Purge & Declutter - get rid of what you don’t need. Depending on the space, I really like turntables for cans and other cylindrical items. Sort everything else into categories that make sense for you! If you struggle to see what you have, use clear containers or labels on your bins. Make sure you are using vertical space when possible. Two easy ways to use vertical space are under shelf baskets and shelf risers, anything that creates an additional flat surface for you to use!

When is it time to throw stuff away?

      • NOW. haha! I’m kidding - kind of. This is tough, it depends on what you’re asking about. Expired, unused, unwanted, broken items - get rid of now!

Do you find inspiration from anyone in the organizing game?

      • When I first had the idea to start this business I didn’t even know professional organizing was a thing. I googled “organizing business” and found a whole new exciting world! There are a few great organizers locally that I enjoy bouncing ideas off of and working with when we have a chance. My first professional organizer to follow and love was Jennifer Johnson with The Orderly Space in Washington! Her posts are real, not super over edited, and she has so many great ideas!

When did you first start embracing the love of organizing?

      • I think I was born this way- haha. I have always appreciated things having a place and order. I’ve always been a tad bit obsessive about things being orderly. I just function better that way. In school, I learned & studied better if things were tidy. When I worked at the church, I was more effective with my time if I followed systems. So…always!

Do y’all like organizing in rainbow order?

      • Depends on the items. I think it has a nice visual touch but I don’t always find it super functional. For example, I think bookshelves look fabulous when the books are organized by color BUT in real life it often makes more sense to organize them by size or alphabetically.

How do you get unorganized people (especially boys) to maintain organization?

      • This is tough. Just like other qualities and characteristics you can’t force it on someone. You can’t force someone to be something they aren’t. BUT I truly believe that setting up systems is the key. If the struggle is with organizing items, maybe the systems you currently have in place don’t make sense to the person you’re wanting to be more organized. Let them help you be a part of the process in setting up the categories to maintain. If you’re referring to a productivity struggle, the solution is similar. If they aren’t keeping up with their tasks and responsibilities, try to figure out the why. Find what motivates them and maybe even try giving them tasks and responsibilities that they will be able to complete successfully.

Any tips on fridge organization and not forgetting those funky leftovers?/Best way to organize the fridge & freezer? I feel like so much gets lost and then thrown away.

      • Purge & declutter initially and store items in categories. Create zones on each shelf & drawer to contain items. Keep what you use most frequently up front. The only way to successfully maintain an organized an un-funky fridge is to regularly declutter it. Depending on the funkiness of your fridge, work it into your list of things you do weekly or every two weeks. Go through shelf by shelf and toss things that need to go. While you are at it, wipe down the shelves. Like with any space, if you stay on top of it regularly it won’t take too long each time to tidy it up.

Real talk: How do you not let laundry pile up? Like do you have to do it every single day?

      • You are not alone, this task is difficult for everyone to stay on top of. Yes, if you want to truly stay on top of… it work in a load every day or every two days. Find a time period in your normal weekly schedule that works for you. For some people they like to fit it in first thing in the morning. They start & finish a load before they ever leave the house. Just find what works for you and give yourself grace. Unless you are walking around naked, you’re going to have dirty laundry!

Any tips for organizing to move overseas?

      • Well, I’ve never done this one before. But I spent a lot of time thinking about what I would do! I’d start out by doing my research and talking to people who live where I'm going. Especially if there is someone there that has made a similar move. Ask them what they did that was beneficial, what they wish they had done, and what ended up being a waste of time. Then I’d make a list (or two or three!) I would start out with a list of things that I need to accomplish before moving (personal, health, appointments, work, home, etc.), a list of things I know I need to pack, a list of things I need to purchase or borrow, a list of things to cancel or put on hold, etc. For that last list, I’d go through my bank statements and see what I’m charged for regularly to make sure I have those things canceled or on hold. I think it would be important to get rid of excess items that won’t be making the move with me. I would make sure I leave plenty of time to sell those items, find someone who can store it for you, or donate them!

How do you recommend organizing when packing?

      • Depends on if you’re talking about packing to go on a weekend trip or packing to move! Either way - if you want to be thorough, make a list & stick to it. Group things in categories and use packing cubes to contain items in suitcases. If you’re talking about packing to move, purge & declutter before you ever put anything in a box!

What do you find to be the single thing that helps maintain an organized system?

      • Thoroughly decluttering before you ever start to organize is key!

      • Another way to maintain organized spaces is to regularly do a “15 minute tidy” so that it does’t pile up on you and become something you dread before you address it.

Are there any tips/tricks to starting a canister system for dry goods?

      • Yes! I just did this yesterday for a client. Make sure you purchases canisters that will keep things fresh! Label them clearly. Cut the expiration date and any nutrition info you need off of the package and tape it to the bottom of the canister. When you need to refill, clean it out and make sure it’s dry before you put the dry goods in. Change out the expiration date.

Best tips for when to check e-mail? Whenever you get them or scheduled blocks?

        • Great question! A friend just told me a few days ago how many thousands of unread e-mails she currently has and it took my breath away. I know it doesn’t bother some people, but to me it’s important to reply to people in a timely manner. I wrote a detailed blog on this topic last January in my 31 days of decluttering & organizing series! This task may require a lot of work on the front end but if you set up a good system and stick to it you really won’t have to do much to maintain it. Click HERE to read that blog.

What’s the best system for keeping meaningful papers (artwork, letters, etc.)?

      • The key word is meaningful! Don’t hold onto every single piece of paper it isn’t reasonable. But I can’t tell you what is meaningful, only you know! If you’re referring to school work and things your children create I think a hanging file bin is a great place to start. You can create a file folder for each year. Come up with a system that allows you to filter out things that aren’t meaningful. For instance, maybe keep one thing that shows their creativity, one thing that they were really proud of, one thing that they struggled with, one thing that shows improvement somehow, etc.

How do you instill organization in kids?

      • I am answering this as someone who doesn’t have any children of my own yet. But I think it’s just like any other characteristic you want to instill in your children. If you want them to practice something and value it, you have to model it well. For young children, this could be as simple as having a designated bin for each category of toys. You can assign different color bins to specific toys or use word or picture labels! Like I mentioned in an earlier response to a similar question, you can’t force someone to be something they aren’t. I believe that setting up systems is the key.

What are your top 5 favorite organizing products?

      • Turntables, Mixed Texture/Fabric Bins and Baskets, Drawer Dividers, OXO Canisters, Plastic & Acrylic bins that can be easily washed!

You can watch the Tip Tuesday video on Facebook here!


How to Limit Clutter and Organize Your Home Office


Tip Tuesday - Pre-Christmas Declutter