Day 18 - Vehicle

Today is a great day to declutter your vehicle & implement a few systems to keep the clutter from taking over again! Some of you probably spend A LOT of time in your car and if you do It’s going to be even more beneficial for you to take steps to get it organized. I imagine right about now some of you with kids are laughing at the idea of having a decluttered and organized car. I get it! Some things have to give when you have young children. BUT I do think these steps will be help you out no matter what stage of life you’re in!

This task is going to look different for everyone! Use the following steps as a guide, knowing that all of the examples may not apply to you. Before you get started, take a few before pictures!

  1. Throw away all of the trash.

    • Do you generate a lot of trash while driving? You may want to keep a small trash can in your vehicle. This will keep all of the trash in one location and you can empty it when you fuel up each time.

    • Your kids can help with this too! Before they get out of the car ask them to put the trash in the trash can or gather it up and take it inside.

  2. Take everything out of the compartments.

    • You may even want to consider taking it inside and laying it all out on the dining room table! Make sure you look through every item before putting anything back!

  3. Sort.

    • Determine what needs to be trashed, donated, relocated, and actually kept in your vehicle.

    • Do not keep things in you vehicle that aren’t necessary. Be reasonable as you sort into these categories.

  4. Organize.

    • Once you’ve determined what needs to stay in your vehicle group like items together.

    • Put as many things as possible into containers of some sort. If you want to cut down on the clutter everything needs to have a home.

      • You can use a trunk organizer, travel bags, clear plastic containers with lids, baskets, clear zippered bags or whatever works for you.

      • If you really want to step it up a notch here, label the containers! 

    • Store important papers & documents in an envelope or coupon organizer in your glove box.

    • Store toys, books, etc for your kids in small bins or baskets that fit underneath or beside the seat.

    • Store sanitizer, lotion, other travel toiletries in a ziploc bag or a small travel bag. Keep small items like this together!

    • Store first aid, vehicle emergency kit, and tools for your vehicle together too. Make sure everything you have is in working order!

  5. Clean.

    • Before you put anything back in your vehicle clean it out, wipe everything down & vaccuum.

      • You can do this on your own or take it to a carwash or detailer.

    • Wipe all of the items down before putting them back too!

  6. Put it all back NEATLY.

    • You may have to try things in a few a different areas before you settle on what’s best for you and your family.

  7. Maintain.

    • The containers you choose to use will help a lot with this, but ONLY if you put things back when you are finished with them.

    • Determine how often you need to vacuum out your vehicle and make it a priority. Put it on your calendar, work it into your schedule.

    • When you notice it getting out of control again…BEFORE you notice it getting out of control again - revisit the steps above!

Don’t forget the before & after pictures!

In the comments on social media tell us about the most surprising thing you found when cleaning out your vehicle today.


Day 19 - Laundry Room


Day 17 - Jewelry and Accessories