Day 17 - Jewelry and Accessories

Depending on your style this task could either be VERY time consuming or very simple! Just like all of the other areas we’ve decluttered this month, the most important step is getting it all in front of you at once.

  1. Gather all of your jewelry & accessories in one area.

  2. PURGE by category:

    • Make sure you ask yourself, “How many____ do I really need?”

    • Even if you don’t see specific accessories you have in the list below, you can use the same strategy to declutter.

      • Jewelry to purge:

        1. Broken or tarnished beyond repair

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t worn it in a while

        4. Painful - the earrings that are too heavy

        5. Any excess or duplicates 

      • Belts to purge:

        1. The wrong size

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t worn it in a while

        4. Any excess or duplicates 

      • Purses to purge:

        1. Broken

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. Too small or too big for what you need to carry

        4. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t used it in a while

        5. If you still have junk inside purses you’re keeping clean that out too!

        6. Any excess or duplicates

      • Hats to purge:

        1. Stained or worn out

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. The wrong size for your head

        4. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t worn it in a while

        5. Any excess or duplicates 

      • Gloves to purge:

        1. Stretched out or too small

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. Worn out

        4. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t worn it them a while

        5. Any excess or duplicates 

      • Scarves to purge:

        1. Itchy and uncomfortable

        2. Not your style anymore

        3. Outdated & dusty because you haven’t worn it in a while

        4. Any excess or duplicates 

  3. Make sure you only keep things that you intend to wear or use.

  4. When you finish purging, donate what you can & trash the rest.

  5. If you find things that don’t belong with your jewelry or accessories make sure you put them where they belong!

  6. Clean up your storage areas before putting anything back. 

    • Accessory storage tends to collect dust because it isn’t likely that you are wearing every accessory you own every day.

  7. Before you put anything back:

    • Determine how you want to store/display it all.

    • Do you need to store items by season or do you have enough room to display it all?

    • Store heirlooms in a safe space.

    • Make sure you don’t have too much stuff for the space you intend to use.

      • If you do…purge again!

Don’t forget to take before and after pictures! Hold on to them for the giveaway at the end of this month!


Day 18 - Vehicle


Day 16 - Living Room