Day 22 - Nightstand

Declutter your nightstand & put a system in place to keep it that way!

Nightstands can quickly become a catch-all for random things. 

Don’t forget to take before & after pictures. Hold on to the pictures for the giveaway I’m doing at the end of the 31 days!

  1. Take everything out of the drawers & off of the top.

  2. Sort.

    • Trash

    • Relocate

      1. If you find things that belong somewhere else, put them away now!

    • Keep

      1. Only keep things in your nightstand that you need right before bed or first thing in the morning. 

      2. If you read in bed - only keep the book that you are currently reading on the surface of your nightstand.

      3. You can keep whatever you want in your nightstand. Think “less is best” as you choose what stays! 

  3. Tidy.

    • Wrap up the cords to any electronics you keep on your nightstand.

    • Clean the night stand & all of the contents before putting anything back.

    • Pull it away from the wall and vacuum behind it.

  4. Put it all back.

    • Keep the items you use most frequently in reach!

    • You can use storage bins or drawer dividers if you have a lot to put back in.

  5. Maintain.

    • Throw away empty water bottles, used tissues, and other trash daily.

    • Regularly tidy the drawers & top surface.

This task probably won’t take you too long but it will make a big difference!

Maybe you’ll even sleep better tonight!


Day 23 - Counter Space


Day 21 - Schedule & Calendar