Day 23 - Counter Space

Wouldn’t you like to have more counter space? Truth is, you probably don’t need MORE space you just need to declutter the space you have!

Kitchen counters, bathroom counters, office counters, you can choose to declutter whichever counter space you’d like today. The challenge here is to only keep what you REALLY need & have room for on the counter top. Maybe you have cluttered counters because your drawers, cabinets, pantry and everything else are busting at the seams.  If that’s true for you, you should probably start with a quick declutter in those areas.

Don’t worry about the junk drawer today, we have an entire day devoted to junk drawers coming soon! Just work on the flat surfaces today.

Follow these steps to make a difference on your counter space!

  1. Take a before picture of the counters you are decluttering.

  2. Clear a large space for sorting, maybe your dining room table!

  3. Take everything off of your counter space.

    • Appliances, decorations, everything!

  4. Sort & Purge

    • Be brutal with this step. Just because you have an empty space doesn’t mean you have to fill it up! 

      • Trash

        • Broken, old, junky items? Trash them.

      • Donate

        • Make a pile of decorations, appliances, and other items that you could donate.

        • Make plans to deliver those items this week!

      • Keep

        • Be VERY selective in what you plan to put back on your counters.

      • Relocate

        • If you come across items that belong somewhere else, put them away now.

  5. CLEAN

    • Thoroughly clean every countertop.

    • Before putting anything back on the counters wipe it all off too.

  6. Organize & Put it back

    • Determine if you need storage baskets or bins to contain loose items.

    • Put items in your cabinets, drawers, or pantry that you don’t need out constantly. 

    • Only put the appliances & items that you use often back on the counter.

    • Find a place for everything you determined you don’t need back on your counter.

  7. Take an after picture

  8. Maintain

    • Address the clutter daily. 

    • Wipe your counters down & put things where they belong every evening before bed.

    • Don’t allow papers to take up space on your countertops!

      • Read my blog on decluttering paper!

    • Put things back where they belong. Utilize storage bins & stick to the systems you’ve put in place.

Inform everyone that lives in your home of the new system you’ve got in place for the counter tops in your home and encourage them to help you stick to it!


Day 24 - Clothes


Day 22 - Nightstand