Day 3 - Holiday Decorations

If you’re like me, Christmas decorations have been taken down and put up in the attic for several days now! But I know some of you are enjoying a few more days of the coziness that Christmas decorations bring…and some of you are just procrastinating because you dread it! Maybe this will help!

If you’ve already taken care of your Christmas decorations, use today to finish up a previous task, declutter another area, or just take a break!

Here’s what works for me:

Don’t forget your before, during, and after pictures each day!

  1. If you have storage boxes get them out. If you don’t have any - get some. Target, Wal-Mart, & Amazon have inexpensive storage bins that are great for this. Also, if you’re a fan of The Container Store you know they have storage for everything under the sun. Right now they have a sale going on! If you’re looking for small individual bins you can get those at the Dollar Tree. No need to spend a ton of money for storage boxes. 

  2. Clear a big staging/sorting area. I use my living room floor. It gets crazy and super messy before it gets better. Putting everything in one place helps you determine if there are items that need to be donated or trashed before packing it all away.

  3. Walk around your house and collect all of the non-tree decor. Group like things together. You can decide how you group it. You can sort by room, level of fragility, hand-made, fancy, etc. 

  4. After you’ve sorted and organized like decor start packing it in your bins. I use my Christmas dishtowels to wrap breakable items before storing them. Don’t put the bins away yet!

  5. Time to tackle the tree! I follow the same process in #2 above. I take all of the ornaments off and sort them by size, color, ribbon, tinsel, home-made, sentimental, etc. Everyone’s tree is different, so again, you do what makes the most sense for you.

  6. Pack up the ornaments. If you happened to save the boxes your ornaments and decorations came in originally go ahead and put them back in their original container! Or if you have ornament storage boxers use those. If not, I find that gallon Ziploc bags work well as long as you’re careful what all you pack in the box with them. If you decorate multiple trees in your home, you can either sort the decorations by tree or just lump them all together and continue to sort by size, color, etc.

  7. Another option, if you have room, is to leave your trees decorated and wrap them in plastic wrap and store them standing upright. If you’re lucky enough to have a space to do this - do it! I think it would be awesome!

  8. Do a final sweep of all of your rooms. Make sure you’ve gotten all of the holiday decorations down.

  9. Finish packing your storage containers and LABEL them. Labeling will make the decorating process easier next year. You can use a label maker or just a piece of paper, a marker, and tape. Detailed labels keep me from buying duplicates when Christmas decorations go on sale the next year!

  10. Before I put my regular decor back out I dust everything & vacuum! Christmas glitter is only great at Christmas in my opinion!

Hold on to those before and after pictures - there will be a giveaway at the end of the 31 days!


Day 4 - Donation Bag


Day 2 - Linen Closet