Day 5 - Purse, Wallet, Backpack

I am in full support of always being prepared! But…unless you’re trying to fulfill your dreams of becoming Mary Poppins you could probably stand to lighten your load a little. Or at the very least- clean it out! 

I’ve noticed that if someone asks you to hand them their backpack or purse it’s often followed by “don’t hurt yourself!” If you’ve ever uttered these words or thought your bag may be causing back’s time to declutter. 

Today we’re going to declutter our purses, wallets, work bags, backpacks, diaper bags, or whatever you use.

  1. Take it all out. 

    • Take a before picture here if you want! (cover up personal information)

  2. Throw away any trash.

    • Expired coupons, straw paper, old receipts, gum wrappers

    • Did you find last semester’s homework assignments or old notes from the school in your backpack? Throw them out!

  3. Put things away.

    • If there are things in your bag that belong somewhere else in your house put them away now.

  4. Check your cards.

    • Are you carrying up to date insurance cards?

    • Need to toss old credit cards?

    • Are your membership cards still valid?

    • Find any gift cards you had forgotten about? 

  5. Organize the remaining items.

    • Group like things together. Make sure you really want to continue carrying everything around with you.

    • Put the items in small zipper pouches or even ziploc bags.

      • This will make it easier to find your chapstick or hand sanitizer. You won’t have to dig to the bottom of your bag to find it. (This is only helpful if you make sure to put it back in the bag when you finish.)

This is an area that I have to declutter pretty regularly.

If you do it often, it only takes a few minutes each time!


Day 6 - Pantry Purge


Day 4 - Donation Bag