Day 6 - Pantry Purge

Don’t overthink this one. This is just a decluttering task.

Your end result doesn’t have to look like a Pinterest pantry.

Just do these 5 things!

Don’t forget a before picture!

If you are short on time today skip numbers one & two. Do what works for you!

  1. Take it all out. 

  2. Clean the shelves.

  3. Throw out expired items.

  4. Group like things.

  5. Put it back in. 

You can do it.

Don’t let it overwhelm you!

Again, this is just a decluttering task not a complete overhaul.

You can schedule an organizing session with me when you’re ready for that! 😉

Take an after picture and hold on to it for the giveaway!


Day 7 - Shoes


Day 5 - Purse, Wallet, Backpack