Tip Tuesday - Garage Organization

I wrote a blog about decluttering & organizing garages back in January of this year! You can check that out HERE for the full process! 

Today, I want to share the systems that we have in place in our garage! Every garage is different so it may not work exactly this way for you, but hopefully this will give you some inspiration, ideas, and direction.

  1. We keep everything off of the floor! 

      • A few months ago I asked Chris if we could mount the push mower and he just stared at me in response. Can you imagine being married to someone who organizes and tidies up spaces for a living? He’s truly a champ. I took the blank stare he gave me as his way of saying we probably shouldn’t try that. So other than our cars & the push mower, everything is off of the floor!

  1. We utilize wall space with shelving & wall mounts. 

  2. We contain as many things as possible. 

    • We recently added labels & bin clips to take it up a notch!

  1. We try to keep it tidy!

    • Since everything has a designated space we put things back where they belong easily. We also regularly use the leaf blower to blow out the garage. 

    • It’s not meant to be a perfectly clean, pristine space. But we like to keep it tidy! 

I’ve helped a few clients organize their garage and they’ve all pretty much said the same thing before we get started. “It stresses me out every time I open the garage door. I’m reminded of how far I’ve let it go.” 

Alleviating the stress that is weighing on a client is one of the most rewarding things in my job. One client sent me a text the day after our garage session that said, “ I am sitting in the driveway, drinking my coffee, & staring at the tidy and functional space we created!”

If I can help you create a more functional and organized space, contact me! I’d love to help!


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