Tip Tuesday - Next Day Prep
In previous blogs I’ve talked about prepping for entering a space & the importance of writing things down but this productivity tip is specifically about preparing for the next day and the things in your life that need more immediate attention.
To make the most of your time the next day - get a head start. Make your to-do list the night before!
For me this means taking a few minutes at the end of my day to intentionally look at the next day. Sometimes I do it while dinner is cooking, when I’m in line at the bank, waiting on a grocery pick up, or before I get ready for bed at the end of the day..
Ask yourself what all you need to have gathered for what you have planned for tomorrow.
Gather it before you go to bed and make a list or sticky note of last minute things that you can’t do until the morning.
What things MUST be done tomorrow? Decide what you’ll do first.
For some people, time blocking is a beneficial tool!
The busier your day, the more important it is to do this quick survey the day or evening before.
Implementing this tip helps you waste less time in the morning deciding where to start or gathering what you need. More importantly, it keeps you from realizing at the last possible second that you don’t have what you need.