Tip Tuesday - Declutter

🏠 This is a task everyone in your home can participate in! It is simple and effective.

1️⃣ Grab 2 trash bags.

2️⃣ Walk through each room in your home or business and fill one bag with trash and the other bag with things to be donated.

3️⃣ Make a plan to drop-off your donation items! Don’t wait too long- that’s just more clutter in your home or car.

4️⃣ If you want to step it up a notch take a third container around with you and as you find things that belong in another room put them in that container. As you go into the room where those things belong, put them away. This is a quick way to tidy even if you aren’t doing the donation bag tip!

5️⃣If you find things that don’t have a “home”, don’t let that derail you from finishing the entire walk through. When you finish the walk through make that your next goal- making sure everything has a home. If you don’t have room for everything. Consider purging!

6️⃣Add this task to you calendar monthly! 

You’ll be surprised how much you gather each month. Implementing this task regularly can also help you save money. If you are more aware of the things you have and the space they take up you’re less likely to overbuy! You may also be able to resell some of the things you find! I frequently sell new/like new clothes on Poshmark and keep a basket for collecting future garage sale items too.
♻️ If other people in your home grab a trash bag too, you could really make a dent in your clutter and a difference in the lives of those receiving your donations!


Tip Tuesday - Space Reset


Tip Tuesday - Boot Storage