Tip Tuesday - Space Reset

Space Reset

In the past I’ve referred to this productivity tip as “Prepping for Re-Entry.” Since I am not talking about resuming life after the COVID-19 situation, I chose to call it “Space Reset.” I didn’t want there to be any confusion or misleading click bait 😉

If you want to save some energy & use your time wisely, this will make a huge difference. I try to implement this simple concept in most areas of life and I think it contributes to my level of productivity! Let me be clear, it doesn’t happen perfectly for me every single day and the beauty of it is that it doesn’t have to for it to be effective. 

You can use this in many areas of your life: re-entering your home after a vacation, your office the next day for work, your car the next time you drive, or your bedroom at the end of the day, etc.


  • Coming back to a clean slate helps you either get back into action or relax (whichever is needed) much more quickly than if you leave things undone. Once you implement this strategy you’ll begin to see it pay off and you’ll do these things without even thinking about them. I don’t tell myself every day, “it’s time to reset & prep for re-entry!” It just happens!


  • Before you leave an area take time to tidy & reset the space. You can accomplish a lot in 15 minutes! Maybe you’ve only got 5 minutes…set a timer and get as many things done as you can within that time.

    • At the Office:

      • Clear your desk.

      • Throw trash away.

      • File papers you want to keep for future reference.

      • Re-write your to do list.

      • Clear your email inbox. Delete the trash, file emails you want to keep in folders. 

          • The only thing left in your inbox will be things you need to address when you get back.

          • If you think this isn’t achievable - read my blog on decluttering your e-mail inbox!

    • At Home:

      • Pick up the flat surfaces.

      • Make beds.

      • Take care of the dishes.

      • Wipe down counters.

      • Vacuum or sweep major traffic areas.

      • Take out the trash.

    • In the Car:

      • Throw away trash.

      • Take things inside that don’t belong in your car.

      • Occasionally, use a hand held vacuum to pick up messes.

The next time you enter the space you’ve reset you’ll be able to focus on your family, recharging/resting, or the tasks you need to accomplish next. Most importantly, you’ll be ready to handle the unexpected things that come at you without worrying over the mundane things that can become very overwhelming if they are put off for too long!


Tip Tuesday - Game Storage


Tip Tuesday - Declutter