Tip Tuesday - Cabinets + Doors

Making the best use of your space often requires getting a little creative! Yes, shelves & drawers are made for organizing and storing items but you don’t have to stop there. Today, I want to share a few creative ways to utilize the space on the backs of your cabinets & closet doors!

⚠️ Remember, the first action step in getting organized is ALWAYS purging & decluttering.

🚪 Here are a few ways you can utilize the space on the backs of your cabinet doors & closet doors:

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1️⃣ Hang regularly used spray bottles on an over the door towel rack.

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2️⃣ Mount a magazine holder to contain foil, plastic wrap, etc.

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3️⃣ Use 3M Command Hooks or small nails to mount measuring cups & spoons.

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4️⃣ Hang an over the door basket under your bathroom sink for your hair tools.

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5️⃣ Use an over the door mount to hang your iron & ironing board.

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6️⃣ Use an over the door organizer for craft supplies.

7️⃣ Use 3M Command hooks to mount hats.

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🗣There are SO many more ways you can utilize spaces creatively! If you implement any of these ideas or you’ve got some of your own, I’d love to hear about it!

❗️Make sure you measure before buying & installing!


Tip Tuesday - Sheet Storage


Tip Tuesday - Write. It. Down.