Tip Tuesday - Write. It. Down.

Do you feel like you have a million & one thoughts bouncing around in your brain every day but can’t seem to remember them when you need to? 

My number one tip for productivity is to “WRITE IT DOWN!” And yes, the ALL CAPS is necessary. That’s how passionate I am about it!

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, it’s normally because I’ve got too many things spinning around in my brain and heart at once. Information Overload is a real thing! I almost always find immediate relief when I take a few minutes to get those things out of my head and stored away somewhere safely. I no longer feel the pressure to remember everything! Implementing this simple practice frees you from the energy it takes to try to remember everything. 

We have so many things INTERNALLY competing for our time, attention & energy. At any given moment you can be thinking of adding toothpaste to the shopping list, planning a birthday party, finishing up the report for work, remembering to thaw the chicken, pull the weeds, check in on your neighbor, your new favorite song lyrics, your locker combination from high school, your grandma’s phone number, don’t forget the to pick up the clothes from the cleaners… all while trying to remember how to drive. 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯

Simply reading that list is enough to stress some of you out.

I also just reminded some of you of something you’ve been meaning to do! You’re welcome =) 

Those overwhelming feelings of stress can often paralyze productivity! Inevitably, we remember the things that could’ve waited until tomorrow and forget to do the time-sensitive tasks. The issue is that there is always ONE more thing to do and then another and another. Have you noticed that even when you have a lot to do there are still only 24 hours in a day? The “to-do”, “should-do”, and “wish-I-could-do” lists are always growing while the space in our brains remains the same. I’m convinced the root of stress for a lot of people is not knowing how to manage time well. When you manage your time well, you aren’t thrown into a tizzy when things don’t go as planned. You’re better equipped to adapt and handle what comes your way!


  • Write down every task & commitment. If there is something you need or want to accomplish, write it down.

  • I suggest a daily list and an ongoing list.  

  • There are a ton of apps you can use - but I personally love a pen and paper & the notes section on my phone. You have to find what works for you.

  • If I have bigger work projects like when I was launching my business - I use Asana. 

  • When something pops into your head while you’re working on something else - write it down, calendar it, add it to the grocery list, send the text or email, get it out of your head and get back on track. 

  • Keep a pen and paper nearby so that you can jot it down or keep your app of choice handy!

  • I’ve been known to e-mail and text myself things I needed to remember if I couldn’t write them down. I’ve also saved a few voice memos on my phone as reminders!

  • Add things to your list that you ACTUALLY WANT TO DO, not just what you have to do!

EVEN before actually accomplishing anything you’ve written down, you should feel a bit of relief just from alleviating your brain of that chaos. When you feel that relief…celebrate it! Don’t let the list overwhelm you. Instead, choose to be empowered by the steps you’ve taken towards productivity! 


“But writing things down takes too long. I don’t have time for that.”

True. It does take time. But it’s worth it. Often times you’ll find that you’ve written down things that are redundant or that you could combine. You may not have considered that if those thoughts were just bouncing around in your brain with everything else. Seeing it written down may spark a new way to tackle the same old tasks you’re used to doing every day!

Other benefits to writing things down:

- You get to cross them off! Everyone loves to feel accomplished!

- You get an accurate picture of how you spend your time…which may inspire or convict you to make some changes!

- When your brain isn’t trying to remember every last minor detail of the day you are more focused on things that come up during the day! 


If you relate to this meme…you may want to consider implementing today’s tip. 😉

Thanks for reading my blog today! Hopefully the content each week is beneficial to you!

I am giving away a 2- hour Productivity Consultation on Facebook & Instagram. (Two separate winners!)

Winners can choose to meet in person or virtually! You don’t have to be local to enter!

To enter:

  1. Follow Shepard Organizing Solutions on Instagram and/or Facebook.

  2. Tag a friend in the comments on Today’s Tip Tuesday Post! (Each tag counts as one entry for the giveaway!)

The deadline to enter is Friday, June 26, 2020 at 10:00 pm! I’ll announce a winner on Saturday June 27!


Tip Tuesday - Cabinets + Doors


Tip Tuesday - Packing For Travel