Day 4 - Donation Bag

This is a task everyone in your home can participate in! It is simple and effective. 

  1. Grab a trash bag. 

  2. Walk around your house and fill the bag with things to be donated. 

  3. Drop-off your donation items today! 

    • Don’t wait- that’s just more clutter in your home or car! 

See, told you it was simple! 

  • You choose where you start in your house & you choose where you want to donate the items.

  • I’m guessing as you go through the house you’ll find things that need to be trashed too. Throw those things away as you go. Maybe you should carry two trash bags around with you, one for trash & one for donations.

  • The more people that live in your home, the more clutter you will have. So if everyone grabs a trash bag you could really make a dent in your clutter and a difference in the lives of those receiving your donations! 

  • I anticipate great conversations with your children if they help you complete this task! It will encourage them to think of others who could benefit from the things they no longer need.

No need for a before picture this time- but snap a picture of your donation bags when you’re done! 


Day 5 - Purse, Wallet, Backpack


Day 3 - Holiday Decorations