Tip Tuesday - Fridge Clean out + Holiday Grocery List Prep
Now is a great time to declutter and clean out your fridge to prepare for holiday meals and leftovers! Taking the time to clean out your fridge will also help you prepare for a less stressful holiday grocery shopping experience!
Before you create your holiday grocery list, I suggest decluttering your fridge & freezer!
I wrote a blog on this topic with every single step detailed! CLICK HERE
Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to do it thoroughly. Only doing it half-way will not be nearly as effective in saving you space, time, & money!
Next, take inventory of what food items you have left on hand. Knowing what you have will keep you from overspending, making last minute trips, and wasting food items.
Before you start making a grocery list, I suggest you think through all of your upcoming holiday gatherings. I know 2020 gatherings will be different for most families, but this blog isn’t going anywhere! You can search for it anytime you think these tips will be helpful!
Things to consider before making the grocery list:
Date of Gathering(s)
Number of people attending
Any special allergies/food restrictions you need to consider
If you have multiple gatherings to attend, volunteer to bring the same thing (or something similar) to each one! This will save you prep time!
If you are ordering anything from a catering company or business, place your order now. They will appreciate it!
Think through these categories as you make your list!
Dry & Canned Goods
Baking Needs
Serving Supplies
Paper Goods
Cleaning Supplies
Now that you’ve done the hard work, go and get the groceries! Don’t put it off like every one else!