Tip Tuesday - Game Storage

If you know us, you know we have more board games than the average household. I have loved to play games since I was a young girl. I love strategy games, word games, card games, ridiculous games where you throw stuffed burritos at each other (I’m still sorry for that first throw, Tami), and everything in between. Playing games brings people together! I love people, laughing, & competition so of course, I love games!

❌The space where you store your games can quickly get messy. Boxes break, pieces go missing, things get put away sloppily, it really is a recipe for an unorganized mess.

Hopefully these tips will help you out!

1️⃣ Gather all of your games into one area for purging & sorting.

2️⃣ Purge! 

    • There is no point in keeping & storing a game that cannot be played. Get rid of games that broken or missing pieces.

    • If you have games you never play, never liked, or your kids have outgrown and don’t have any sentimental attachment to - donate or sell them!

3️⃣ Some games come in great packaging, some do not. If you can repair the box with clear packing tape, try that. If not don’t worry - check out step #8.

4️⃣ Determine where you want to store the games in your home. I recommend, a bookcase or a cabinet with shelves over a toy box or something that is deep and not easily accessible. Movable shelves are an even bigger plus because you can make sure you utilize the space to the fullest.

5️⃣ Unfortunately, board games don’t all come in the same size and shape boxes. Depending on your self space, sort your games by size, color, or alphabetically.

6️⃣ I suggest storing boxes vertically if possible. This will allow you to read the titles easier & reduce the damage to your boxes from stacking too much weight on them. Plus, they are much easier to take out when stored vertically. If that’s not possible, stack them as best as you can with boxes of similar sizes.

7️⃣ Card games & small boxes can be contained in a bin or basket of some kind. (If you’re looking to purchase a basket, make sure you measure the height and depth of your shelves first. Have a plan before you buy!)

8️⃣ Store games with small pieces or games that come in poor packaging in a sturdy zippered bag.  Take all of the pieces out of the box (don’t forget the instructions) and neatly put them in the zippered bag. Cut the title of the game off of the box. Use a piece of clear tape to stick the title onto the bag. You can store the zipper bags in any kind of box. I recommend storing them upright so that you can flip through them like files when you’re looking for a game. This is a great way to store games for small children! 

🎲 If you want to have a game night, I’m down. I should warn you though I get a little competitive.

🎁 If you’ve read this far - Thank you! Leave a comment telling me your favorite game to play and I’ll pick one person to receive a free virtual session! ($25 value) Leave your comment by Friday, May 22 at noon to be entered! 


Tip Tuesday - One In=One Out


Tip Tuesday - Space Reset